Dear Friends:
Some of you have been guests at Granite Point for generations and others are relatively new, but we, the owners of Granite Point, value you all and appreciate the part you play in making our waterfront resort such a magical place. Granite Point has been in the Biddle family since 1921, and as some of you may be aware, over the past several years, uncertainty has existed about the future direction of the resort. We are thrilled to let you know that we have solidified a vision for the future of the resort that is intended to preserve Granite Point as a family vacation legacy for future generations. While any business plan will continually evolve, we are delighted to let you be the first to learn a little bit about our vision.

We will be a place where families return season after season to spend “off the grid” time with children and relatives, playing games, splashing, swimming, and building sandcastles on a clean and natural beach. A place you remember visiting as a child, where you now bring your own children. A place where you can teach your kids to fish or go fishing with your grandfather. A place where the family gathers for morning kickball or a game of kick-the-can at dusk, then treats everyone to ice cream bars from the store. We want to offer accommodations, amenities, activities, and an environment that encourage people to spend time together in meaningful ways.

We will be a place where the first thing you notice is the natural beauty of the place. Healthy trees, sweeping views, granite outcroppings, fresh air, clean water, pocket parks and secret places, sunsets and waves lapping the sandy shores. What we do will enhance, or at least not diminish, the natural beauty. We want Granite Point to be a place that feels peaceful and relaxing, while still fun and vibrant. This is more than just a business to us, it's also a place we relax and call home..

The history of Granite Point will be evident through preservation or renovation of our historical structures (store, icehouse, bathhouse, rockeries, cottages) and incorporation of authentic design elements from the 100-year history of Granite Point into the architecture, marketing materials, signage, and even the operations.

We will treat each guest on our property as a guest in our home who deserves our full attention and is treated, truly, as a guest. We will strive to value each guest as a singular important person whose presence at the resort is contributing to its success and making it a more diverse and interesting place.

One of the comments we hear most from our guests about what they like about Granite Point is that “it never changes.” We intend to preserve and enhance those things that we believe make Granite Point so special, and make people return year after year. We will be thoughtful, deliberate, and patient—mindful that any sort of change must be done in a way that is true to its roots and something of which its founders would have been proud.
So, rest assured that sandy toes; sun-kissed shoulders; hands sticky with drips from a melting rocket pop; toasted marshmallows over a campfire with the sun setting to the West; unplugging; and, the feeling of contentment after a fully-lived day relaxing at the lake will remain among the prized memories that families and guests will associate with their Granite Point experience.
You may notice modest changes in 2020, such as the addition of espresso service in the store, linen service for the cottages, the addition of recycling and new signage throughout the resort, as well as a few other items we have in the mind to enhance the experience of our guests. Changes will be deliberate, well thought-out, and paced. We look forward to sharing with you some of the specific plans as they emerge and, as always, we welcome comments at feedback@granitepointpark.com.
We hope you continue to enjoy sharing the special place that we know as Granite Point, and we look forward to your support as we work to make it even more magical over coming years.
With Gratitude,
The Granite Point Board of Directors